Sunday 11 February 2018

aBoUt TiMe


 "Time is an Illusion"

                                       --Albert Einstein

          Time is the most powerful entity reigning our experience of life as human beings. It is the limit ascribed to us by our neocortex, located in the outer part of our brain and is the in charge of the concept of time like past, present and future. Unlike us, animals don't have a neocortex to rationalize or categorize things, so they don't get bored and depressed even if they live the same routine every other day because they have neither a future nor a past, all time for them is in the present.

But only we are the one kind of species that lock themselves in time saying, "Ah! I am 30, but still single and unemployed!" and innumerable other reasons, when in reality, time is an 'Illusion' that we got in exchange for evolution.

         "Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time' is like saying, 'I don't want to.'"


         Time is relative to space and the circumstances in life. It is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve and too short for those who rejoice. It is more inclined to our perception and not the concreteness of time's concept. Our mindset towards the task is crucial for the time assortment by our brain.  So next time when you do something do it with zeal even if you don't like it.

        "The trouble is, you think you have time."


         Procrastination alias laziness is a cardinal sin that one commits against oneself which results in devastating consequences. Cramming the last-minute is typical of any human being, despite the fact that it ruins the display of an individual's full potential. You can never know capability unless you try with a clear mind. Managing time is cumbersome, yet it is not impossible. Each of us is different with a varying pace and a start line toward any task. What matters the most is how dramatically we finish. Putting things off until the last-minute will hinder your progress in that particular work as well as your life. Always remember time is the scantiest resource, make the most of it.

"Time you enjoyed wasting, was not wasted."

                                          --John Lennon

     There is not a single second in your life that goes waste, perhaps not used to its fullest advantage. Each second of our life leaves behind an impression on our mind called a memory. In our accelerated lives, we have forgotten to cherish time as moments. Doing things to our liking is a bliss and a luxury that all of us cannot have. Time isn't a trap, it the most important medium to experience life. Can we live our lives in stagnation? Time enables movement bringing about changes which amount to the progress of you as a person. Love yourself and your journey in time, all your encounters, actions and responsibilities in your path will leave your mark in the sands of time. It is up to you to decide what kind of impression you want to bequeath. After all, it is your life; you are the only person with you until you exhaust your quota of time. Therefore, choose wisely and travel the time to its fullest.


Ramya Rajakannan