Tuesday 11 February 2014

Self admiration

Hatred, grudge, enmity, disgust, malignancy,
Let every word of bitterness,
Inundate my mind.
Let the sky turn crimson,
When I ponder your mien.
Oh heart! I command you,
Be on cue.
Your are shallow,
But you think you are hollow.
Take a leap forward,
And realize, you are not a coward.
Set forth and proceed,
To compensate what you didn’t succeed.
The sophomoric lapse was inevitable,
Allow it not to make your morale feeble.
Fling away the flaming matchstick,
Before it char’s your soul’s wick.
Lose not your ego,
Just let it go.
Let it hunt down,
Those tried to truss you up,
Those tried to tear you down.
Show them your calibre.
Show them who you are.
Be not, Narcissus who drowned in ego,
Be like a Phoenix which rises from its ashes.
Realize the real intrigue,
Recuperate from them.
Don’t revert, don’t retort,
Don’t reiterate what you long said.
The pestilence is long gone,
You are the sole residue.
A seedling to form the new.
Crop up, branch out and outreach the sky.
Which people thought to be too high.
Leave stranded the past,
Let bygones be bygones.
Shoot up, pullulate the refulgent fresh race.
Accredit your dewy chrome,
To spatter the sky.
You are not one among the swarm of flies,
You are that drop of light
It enlightens the crepuscular.

Your name exemplifies Pulchritude.

The Oyster of Reminiscence

What i thought to be mine was never mine,
Love was in the air.
I guess not on your life you ever care,
The wisps of love beckoned me,
I was a novice lover,
Never clever,
Tracing the path of relentless maze,
Following a futile mirage,
Heading no where.
Caught in the whirlpool of conflicting reverberations;
Of hollering and hammering consciousness.
I walked and walked towards you with,
Incessant, unremitting willingness to meet you beyond the horizon.
It was excruciating, my heart throbbed,
My mind cluttered.
I mustered my vigor, bulldozed my way through,
Wrecking the opacity of all the my reticent silence.
I showed you that i loved you like no one has ever loved anyone….
The searing trudge in your quest,
Was only to find you bequest,
Your love to an out-lander.
My mirth elated,
I was adrift in the sporadic twirls of serene breeze,
It carried your breath entrenched in glee of new-found love.
I lost you, i lost you forever,
I saw you fade away in evanescent.
May be this is what i deserve,
May be i was meant to preserve.
I embraced my defeat,
Since you vanquished me.
I cloistered each drop of your memory,
In the oyster of my heart.
It stayed, it stayed there voiceless,
Suddenly, my heart sunk,
Breaking the oyster,
Nonplussed, i lay supine on the ground.
The droplets of memories yielded iridescent pearls,
Pearls of resplendent rhapsody,
Tears trickled down when i descried the metamorphosis.
Each pearl was a time machine in an atomic form,
I groped to reach out for one,
On the spur of the moment,
It was such a torment.
Memories flashing back, taking me back on an esplanade,
i grew solemn and began to lament like the blues.
There is no way to make a bolt for it.
I was stuck, stuck inside the walls painted white,
Clasping the oyster brimming with prismatic pearls of your memories….