Wednesday 12 March 2014

Why a Man Kills What he Loves?

I sat besides my laptop and tried to contemplate on the reason behind the fight that took place this afternoon with my mom. On launching myself into this task, I found there wasn’t any reason for me to be mad at her. In fact, it was my entire fault because my conversation explicitly corroborates that it was me who instigated the fight. The worst part was that my mom didn’t retort back or made any attempt to underscore my mistake. She just hung up the call with grave silence. This cuts me through very badly. Okay, I have this bad habit of diverging from the core of what I write. But I had to code this incident since; I felt that it would be an inexcusable mistake to conceal the muse behind my choice of topic. Mom, you enlighten me, revealing most of the dark sides of reality that I feel better left to fiction.
We all have the irredeemable inclination to hurt people just by moving our boneless tongue in a haphazard way. This is just one way of killing people we love. There’s another way, this often results in what you call BREAK UP’S. We all fall in love, love is what drives the cart of the world or to be precise it feeds the soul of the world as Paulo Coelho puts it. If love is the greatest thing on earth, then why is it that we wound our loved ones with our lacerating words? Some idiots do on purpose they chuck their loved ones out of their life because they fantasise a pseudo hypothesis by rating them 1 on the scale of five. They look down upon them self which is a worst possible penalty that a person could inflict on himself. Well, why do you have to give a damn to the world which always finds faults neglecting the good in you? You are swift in kill in the person who cares for you so as to save yourself from the hazard of his or her scathing you. You fear that they would leave you. So, you leave them before they could. This complex restrains you from attempting to love a person. You miss them you kill them, their emotions so much so assuming it to do a greater good. But have you ever pondered on the very fact that it doesn’t help. Its the most obtuse blunder one could ever make.
Remember, you are not the so called omnipotent god to salvage your loved one from being battered. Rather, adding an impetus to the piling agony. So why try all these moronic acts. Be normal and follow your heart with wit. Coz no one in the world is worthy of you losing your happiness for them. Life is very short; don’t make it a futile one by over thinking things. If you are supposed to breathe, the air around will find its own way to enter you to keep you alive.

Don’t you worry just chill out. J

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